Search Results
EASA2018: plenary C, Early Career Scholars Forum
EASA2018. Roundtable: Anthropology after data (management)
EASA2018: keynote lecture by Shahram Khosravi. Walling, unsettling, stealing.
EASA2014 Plenary A: Antónia Pedroso de Lima, "Portuguese anthropology and EASA from 1990 to 2014"
Freeway Flier North
SF Stories: "That is a system that is broken." Cancer survivor Louize & the precarity of our system
Organizing the Academic Precariat: Session 1: History and Trends
(Im)mobility-ies - Untangling the Knot, Noel Salazar
2015 Academic & Policy Symposium - Development, the Rule of Law and Migration
First comes technology in identifying Hispanic and Latinx Students in need:
Industry Insights: Avenues in Accounting Panel